An overview of the typical stress related issues encountered within the modern
health care industry will be conducted. Problems that uncontrolled stress presents
to our psychological, emotional and physical well being will be examined. Particular
consideration will be given to the condition of “staff burnout”. The role of humor
and perspective in our lives will be discussed. Creative approaches and specific
techniques for managing our stress more effectively will be explored.
Considerations for personal and professional stress management will be discussed.
Concepts and parameters for developing a personalized “action plan” will be examined.
1. Preventing Burnout with Stress Management
Contemporary healthcare practice is becoming fertile ground for regulatory
and/or legal action against well-intentioned professional staff. In this program,
participants will learn how to recognize and address complex and difficult practice
dilemmas. Practice strategies for safeguarding against malpractice and legal
liability will be presented. Proactive case record documentation and treatment
planning techniques will be reviewed. The healthcare professional’s role in the
coordination of inter-disciplinary services for high-risk clients will be discussed. A
review of important considerations for potential interactions with regulatory
inquiries will be conducted. An emphasis will be made on practical professional
approaches designed to protect clients, professionals & employers.
2. Contemporary Risk Management Considerations for Social Workers & Healthcare Professionals
3. Psychosocial Aspects of Abuse, Neglect, and Mistreatment
Through a case example presentation, the concepts of abuse, neglect and
mistreatment in client populations will be illustrated. The role of the family and
staff in preventing such problems will be examined. Various psychosocial
considerations for victims of this problem will be discussed. Intervention strategies
for professional social workers will be examined. Factors contributing to these
issues will be discussed with a focus on prevention techniques. A review of specific
cases will be conducted.
4. Advance Directives: Legal & Medical Considerations
Through several case example illustrations, the concepts of Do Not Resuscitate,
Limited Medical Treatment Orders, MOLST, Guardianship, Roger’s
Guardianship, Conservatorship, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Proxy will be
considered. Current ethical dilemmas confronting healthcare professionals in long-
term care settings will be discussed. Implications for clinical practice with an
emphasis on the evolving State Survey process will be considered. There will be an
overview of the process for resolving “contested” guardianships within the probate
court system. The role of family members in the decision-making process of their
loved ones will be examined. The clinical criteria for assessing competency for
individuals will be reviewed.
5. Human Sexuality In The Elderly: Implications For Residential Settings
Through a lecture, case example and discussion format the psychosocial issues
affecting sexual relationships within the long term care facility will be examined.
Gender related factors affecting sexual expression and behavior will be reviewed.
Considerations for assessing an individual’s capacity to consent to sexual
relationships will be discussed. Behavioral management parameters and
recommendations will be proposed. Staff training initiatives and facility policy
development will be proposed.
6. Coping With Holiday Stress
The ‘Holiday’ season can be highly stressful time both personally for caregivers
and within the workplace for professional staff. This program will identify the
various sources of stress that people typically encounter. A presentation of available
stress reduction techniques will be examined for use. A general discussion about the
various psycho-social factors affecting caregivers will be conducted.
7. Strategies For Managing Difficult Behaviors
A review of behavior management principles & techniques will be presented.
Clinical applications for use in managing behavioral problems with patients in
nursing homes and hospital settings will be examined. Elements for use in the
development of treatment care plans within the context of regulatory compliance
will be addressed. The various causes of the common behavioral problems
encountered within the healthcare setting will be discussed.
8. Preserving Patient's Rights Within Healthcare Settings
Through a review of the current regulations and practice standards affecting
social work practice in healthcare settings, clinical practice approaches will be
presented to the participants. Methods for the effective provision of social casework
services to preserve the civil, legal and ethical rights of patients will be presented.
Strategies for completing compliant case record documentation and developing
effective clinical treatment planning will be examined. The social worker’s role in
the coordination of inter-disciplinary clinical services for patients, as well as
considerations for patient advocacy will be discussed. A review of recent trends for
patients in the areas of legal/medical advance directives, patient decision-making,
facility transfers/discharges, financial issues, and family interactions will be conducted.
9. Preventing Caregiver Burnout
A review of the various areas of concern for community-based caregivers will be
conducted. Considerations for the effective management of difficult care-giving
scenarios will be examined. Warning signs of potential patient compromise will be
addressed. Strategies for professional staff to utilize when encountering patient
challenges will be provided. A special focus will be made on ‘secondary caregiver’
such as family members, and the specific issues of concern to them.
10. Working With Challenging Families
A review of the various areas of concern for community-based caregivers will be
conducted. Considerations for the effective management of difficult care-giving
Contemporary healthcare professionals are increasingly more challenged for
optimal clinical outcomes by family members whom are often dissatisfied
customers. Through a review of the typical difficult social and professional
interaction situations that staff encounters in the workplace, practical approaches
and guidelines will be presented to the participants. Descriptions of difficult
personal styles and specific recommendations for effectively working with these
families will be examined. Strategies for the development of solutions centered on
negotiation skills, problem solving and effective conflict management will be
discussed. Scenarios will be used to illustrate potentially difficult situations for
staff. Various methods for improving interpersonal relationships will be addressed.
scenarios will be examined. Warning signs of potential patient compromise will bechallenges will be provided. A special focus will be made on ‘secondary caregiver’
such as family members, and the specific issues of concern to them.
11. Understanding Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease; Is it or Isn't it?
This program compares and contrasts the various types and causes of
“DEMENTIA”. Through an analysis of the various clinical symptoms and
characteristics of this disease, participants become better able to understand the
impact upon themselves and their affected “loved ones”. Considerations for
diagnosis and treatment will be reviewed. Practical solutions to behavioral
issues, residential supervision, visitation considerations and insights for effective
social interaction are examined. Recommendations for professional and family
caregivers will be presented using clinical practice scenarios.
12. Managing the Risk of Suicidal Behavior
The issue of suicide presents a significant risk for both contemporary clinicians
and the organizations with whom they are affiliated. Through a comprehensive
examination of typical risk factors precipitating this behavior, specific intervention
options for clinicians to utilize will be presented. Through a case presentation
format, considerations for managing suicidal behavior both within residential and
community settings will be discussed. Professional safeguards for practice
dilemmas will be presented.
13. Working With Personality Disorders
Clients with mental health diagnoses present with unique and challenging
clinical issues for healthcare practitioners. Of particular note in contemporary
practice are the unique behavioral challenges presented by clients with either
diagnosed or evident personality disorders. This program will describe these
disorders in terms of their clinical symptoms. A specific consideration of
Personality Disorder Traits will be presented. Treatment modalities will be
examined with specific behavioral management strategies discussed.
Recommendations for practitioners providing services to these individuals will be examined.
14. Clinical Approaches To Hoarding Behavior
Clients with obsessive-compulsive hoarding behaviors present with unique and
challenging clinical issues for healthcare practitioners. These individuals when
encountered in contemporary practice may experience extreme negative effects in
their social function. In this program the unique behavioral challenges presented
by clients with hoarding behaviors will be examined. This program will describe
these disorders in terms of their clinical symptoms. Treatment modalities will be
examined with specific behavioral management strategies discussed.
Recommendations for practitioners providing services to these individuals will be examined.
15. Bullying: Dynamics & Interventions
The issue of staff bullying has become increasingly more prominent with the
contemporary workplace. When these instances occur they can be quite disruptive
to both the staff and clients of an organization. In addition, facility operators may
be implicated in legal action resulting from this type of behavior within their setting.
In this program, the various types of workplace bullying will be discussed.
Professional responses and interventions for staff being bullied will be explored.
Potential courses of action for the respective organization will also be examined.
16. Reducing the Use of Anti-Psychotic Medications with Behavioral Interventions
The use of anti-psychotic medications can present serious issues for those patients
receiving them. Increasing in contemporary practice, the implementation of non-
pharmacologic interventions for these patients is being attempted. In this program
a review of behavior management principles & techniques will be presented.
Clinical applications for use in managing behavioral problems, particularly with the
nursing home resident will be examined. Elements for use in the development of
treatment care plans within the context of regulatory compliance will be addressed.
The various causes of the common behavioral problems encountered within the
geriatric population will be discussed.
17. Compassion Fatigue: What is it and How to Deal with It
Professional staff working in the service-oriented ‘helping professions’ are highly
susceptible to an inordinate level of job stress. This situation may result in the staff
person experiencing a decrease in professional effectiveness in addition to a
diminished feeling of empathy for their patients/clients. Without strategic
intervention, professional staff may lose their clinical efficacy, and in severe
situations, may experience a diminished physical and mental status themselves.
This program will describe the clinical presentation of professional ‘Compassion
Fatigue’ and will offer several themes of intervention for use by staff.
18. Working with Alcohol & Substance Abuse Disorders
Clients with alcohol abuse disorders present with unique and challenging
clinical issues for healthcare practitioners. These individuals when encountered in
contemporary practice may experience extreme negative effects in their social
function. In this program the unique behavioral challenges presented by clients
with alcohol abuse disorders will be examined. This program will describe these
disorders in terms of their clinical symptoms. Treatment modalities will be
examined with specific behavioral management strategies discussed.
Recommendations for practitioners providing services to these individuals will be examined.
19. Domestic Violence
This program compares and contrasts the various types and causes of
“Domestic Violence”. Through an analysis of the various clinical symptoms and
characteristics of the victims of these situations, participants become better able
to understand the impact upon their clients and their affected “loved ones”.
Considerations for diagnosis and treatment will be reviewed. Practical solutions
to behavioral issues, identification of community resources, visitation
considerations and insights for effective social work interventions are examined.
Recommendations for professional and family caregivers will be presented using
clinical practice scenarios.
20. Ethics in Clinical Practice
Laws and ethical codes are incorporated into the standards of practice for a
professional discipline. As such, a mechanism for regulating professional practice
and holding members accountable is established. In this program, the various
elements included in the performance of ethical mental health practice are reviewed.
Contemporary clinical practice issues such as HIPPA, privacy, confidentiality,
informed consent, privileged communications, and ethical decision-making will be
discussed. Professional strategies for ensuring appropriate professional boundaries,
while avoiding various problematic Illegal, unethical and nonprofessional
behavioral considerations in the practice milieu will be examined.
21. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that can develop after a
person is exposed to or involved in a traumatic event. Typically diagnosed in
persons with military experience, contemporary mental health staff are
encountering this disorder in people of varied ages and socio-economic
backgrounds. This program will examine the causes and risk factors for developing
PTSD in our present society. There will be a review of the clinical symptoms of
PTSD. Clinical assessment and sreening considerations will be presented as well as
current treatment approaches addressing PTSD.
22. Working With Younger Residents: Intervention Strategies For Psychosocial Issues
This program will focus on the current impediments to providing effective
therapeutic activities for younger non-traditional residents. A consideration of the
psychosocial issues specific to this cohort group will be examined. Similarly,
intervention strategies for providing motivating and positively reinforcing activities
for these residents will be discussed. Specific behavioral strategies for improving
the therapeutic rapport between residents and staff will be reviewed.